Saturday, 12 July 2014

Guest Post: A Studio Tour with Kate Marsden

My name is Kate Marsden and I'm a textile designer, fibre artist (and increasingly) blogger. I design fabrics which are mostly inspired by mid-Century architecture and sell these, together with products made from them, in my Etsy and Folksy shops ( and 

My blog: is all about art, craft and design with a textiles slant. I showcase my own work and inspirations alongside the work of other designers, makers and artists. The blog also includes craft tutorials, relevant book and product reviews and reviews of galleries, museums and exhibitions 

My studio is small, but I know that I'm very lucky to have my own dedicated workspace. I don't have a computer in this room (that's elsewhere in the house) and this helps me to focus on what I'm doing (although I do spend a lot of time on the computer).

My tiny room is full of the materials I need to work as well as lots of little bits and bobs which inspire me!

Favourite items include my orange Catherine Holm coffee pot and Japanese stationery and fabrics. It's so nice to have everything in one place and be able to leave things up rather than tidying up every night.


  1. That Japanese stationery is too cute! Lovely post and photography xx

  2. Glad you like the post Emily! I'm loving the Japanese stationary too, so cute and colourful! xxx


© emily mayMaira Gall