Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Top Tips for Interior Design Students

Hi everyone! Today I would like to share a few tips for anyone who is considering, or has just started a degree in Interior design. Please feel free to share other tips in the comments :)

1. Get a big desk! A lot of the time you will be switching between using your computer, and hand drafting/drawing on a drawing board. A big desk will mean that you don't have to keep putting things away all the time, you can just leave them where they are and switch between the two when necessary.

2. Storage. You will end up accumulating so many art and design materials (paint, pencils, pastels etc.) as well as pads of paper and magazines, so you will need some shelves or boxes to keep them all organised.

3. Make time. Always try to complete projects before the deadline, this leaves time for any last minute complications or mistakes to be corrected.

4. Back up your work. I cannot express how important this is! Imagine if your computer broke, or was stolen, and you lost a whole years work! Buy a hard drive, and try to back up every week.

5. Go to all the Design Shows you can- It will keep you up to date on all the latest trends, as well as filling you with lots of inspiration!

6. Read design magazines and books. This is another thing that will help you keep up to date on everything design- it will help you so much when talking to other designers and prospective employers.

7. Keep a Journal. Whether it's a blog, or simply a scrapbook, it will be so useful for you to see how your ideas develop, and great to look back on in years to come.

8. Find some work experience, either paid or unpaid. Unpaid work experience can open so many doors for you by introducing you to people in the industry, and could even lead to a paid position!

9. Build your portfolio! Use your degree work as well as any relevant work experience, and make sure it is presented really well. Prospective employers will want to see how creative you are, as well as your presentation skills.

10. Always dress to impress! First impressions count, and personal presentation is SO important so make sure you always look the part, no one will trust you to design their home if you don't look stylish yourself.

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