Saturday 6 December 2014

Life Lately...

My goodness, It's been a while since my last post! As most of you know, I'm an Interior Design Student, and for the last two months I have been at my desk under a mountain of fabric and wallpaper samples, working hard on my final project. 

It's a two bedroom apartment design, and I'm having so much fun doing it! The only thing is... there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day, I only have 4 days left, and I'm feeling the pressure! Are there any other design students out there? Well actually any students at all that are rushing to get a project finished... I would love to hear your tips on time management (and maybe some tips on stress management!!) 

The things that have been getting me through so far are:

  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Bailey's (tastes great in the coffee)
  • Red wine
  • Hot baths
  • Tea

If you have any tips, I would love to hear them ! Please share them in the comments below :)


  1. Aww so glad to hear you're doing ok hehe! I know that Carey - - posts a lot about being a student and managing time! Hope she can help :D
    Jemma xx

    1. Thanks Jemma, you sweetie! Thanks so much for posting her link, I'm hopping over there right now to have a peek :) I love seeing other students blogs!!
      Emily xxx

  2. I had 4000 words of my dissertation due today, and I've spent a good few 10 hour days in the library nearly crying.. I got through it by thinking of all the Netflix I could binge watch as soon as it was handed in! Also coffee was a huge saviour.
    Good luck with your last couple days!

    1. Thanks, Jill! Ahh Netflix... That's a great thing to look forward to! I haven't had a good binge in SO long :) So nice to see other people in the same boat, it's so good to know i'm not alone! You must be so relieved now you have handed it in, well done!!
      Emily xxx

  3. Your stress busting list is pretty good. I don't think I have anything to add lol. Except maybe go order a pretty print for your upcoming gallery wall. Buying something beautiful is something that always makes me feel more calm and happy lol. Time management is something I struggle with, but I did get a Day Designer that starts in January. I'm counting on that being the key to balancing my life lol. Check out this Etsy shop for affordable and chic art that is perfect for a gallery wall. I just got 4 of her prints and I love them! xo

    1. Thanks, Stacey!! I'll check out the etsy shop now, I love finding new cute shops on etsy!! I agree with you, shopping and decorating is the one thing that calms me down and makes me happy :) as soon as I've finished this project I'm hitting the shops and getting started on my gallery wall!
      Emily xxx


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