Tuesday 7 April 2015

#The100DayProject - 100 Days of Watercolour

Hey everyone! So I have decided to take part in #The100DayProject with The Great Discontent! The main reason for this, apart from the fact that it's going to be a lot of fun, is that recently I have neglected my abundant pile of art supplies, and I though this would be a great chance to get my creative juices flowing again! 

I have chosen to do a watercolour painting every day for 100 days- #The100DayProject actually started yesterday so I will be playing catchup today with TWO watercolour paintings, and then continuing the rest of the days until the finish date on the 14th July!

I am so excited about this! If you would like to join up, it's not too late to catch up- sign up HERE 

You can follow me on instagram: @emibrookie where I will be posting daily updates with the hashtag #100DaysOfWatercolourWithEmi and the project hashtag #The100DayProject

I will also post a weekly update here on the blog!

So let me know if you are joining in in the comments so I can follow you!



  1. Sounds like a wonderful project!

    Watercolour painting is something I'm keen to sink my teeth into but...I've never really picked up a paintbrush before. :/

    Lovely blog by the way. The colours of your header are riveting.

    Penned by Jenny

    1. Hey Jenny! Thank you, I'm so glad you like my blog!
      You should definitely give watercolours a try, they are very cheap to buy, and you can experiment until you feel comfortable! The paintings I am doing for this project are just quick 5 minute ones, but it's so fun!
      Emily xx

  2. Love the idea of this! Actually never tried watercolouring but you definitely inspired me to check it out! Thank you for sharing this wonderful idea ♥


    1. Hey Helena! Thanks, I'm glad you like the post :) Let me know how it goes if you decide to give watercolours or the 100 day project a try!!
      Thanks for reading!
      Emily xx


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